About Us

Il Parodi Gourmet has chosen the path of protecting Biodiversity because, today more than ever, it represents an environmental factor to be defended, capable of influencing human health and that of our planet.

In the 80s we started talking about Biodiversity as a synonym of "natural", but today the knowledge of its value has considerably expanded.

Biodiversity is the richness of life on earth , it is in fact represented by the variety of living forms and environments on earth.

We at Il Parodi Gourmet know that the characteristic ecosystems of the area can be damaged and reduced over time. That's why we protect the territory, recovering the hazelnut groves of our region.

For generations the farmers have cultivated the terraces on our mountains, picking the hazelnuts by hand and cleaning them with the sole help of a shelling machine. Guaranteeing the protection of our raw materials allows us to have fruits of different varieties, grown from non-grafted plants.

We believe that the protection of biodiversity can also lead to a positive sense of belonging, because its benefits have the ability to create a link between the environment and the farmer, to then reach the final consumer, who can become an active promoter of the values The Parodi Gourmet shares.

Did you know that 80% of our food comes from plants?

On the terraces of our mountains, we collect only top quality hazelnuts by hand, to offer healthy and tasty products.


La biodiversità favorisce una nutrizione adeguata e il fabbisogno energetico. Noi ce ne prendiamo cura attraverso la corretta gestione dell'ambiente e delle sue risorse.


Sappiamo che i frutti della natura non sono eterni, per questo tuteliamo e proteggiamo il territorio riducendo l'impatto sull'ambiente.


Una coltura biologica sta alla base di un'alimentazione sana ed equilibrata. Inoltre la nocciola è ricca di vitamina E, che ha capacità antiossidante.


Selezioniamo materie prime di qualità e raccogliamo a mano le nocciole che si sono adattate meglio alle condizioni climatiche, per soddisfare i palati più raffinati.